Workhint’s 4 Principles of Real work Flexibility

It's no secret that the world is changing, and many companies are allowing their employees more control over how they work. Also, as technology changes, work patterns and business needs also change. Since the workforce market is constantly evolving, your company must be prepared. Many companies trying to implement more flexible approach to their workforce management. Flexible work hours is important because it can have a positive impact on an employee's well-being and quality of life, as well as the organization's success. If employees are able to work at times that are more convenient for them, they are able to make time for other activities and obligations. This allows them to feel like they have a better balance between life and work, which may lead to increased productivity in the workplace because employees feel happier. But Flexible Work is a term that has been thrown around for a few years now. So, the question is what’s a real flexible work looks like inside an organization?  A flexible work environment means that employees have the opportunity to choose when to work, where to work, and what type of hours or tasks to work on each day. This means working remotely from 8 to 5 doesn’t make the job flexible. Some examples of a fully flexible jobs; an independent consultant working on projects by project basis, a copy-writer working on writing gigs, and a programmer working on different gigs.  How can your organization bring real flexible work environment ? To answer this question, we came up with 4 principles any organization can use as a checklist:


Workers are no longer required to stay in a single location. Employees can complete their work online or travel wherever they must go to finish their projects.


Flexible work hours are critical because they can positively impact an employee's well-being and quality of life and the organization's success.


Creating a community for employees to be involved in company matters allows employees to feel connected and gives them an interest in the organization's success


Work collocation tools, such as video conferencing tools, and Workhint make it possible for companies to bring autonomy and simplify working on the same goals

Once all these 4 principles are met, you can claim a real flexible work

Workhint Blog

Workhint is Software to Hire, Manage, and Pay on-demand contract staff. It helps companies give their staff the flexibility they want, and give their business the peace of mind to find instant talent placement with one click

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