Empowering Saudi Arabia's Digital Economy: A Partnership between CODE and Workhint

In the fast-paced landscape of the Saudi digital economy, organizations like CODE are at the forefront, driving innovation and expediting development. As CODE strategically positions itself to capitalize on the growing pace of the Saudi digital economy, it has found a valuable ally in Workhint, a comprehensive software solution designed to onboard, manage, and pay on-demand talents.

The Partnership:

Over the past two years, CODE and Workhint have forged a successful partnership aimed at streamlining and optimizing CODE's mentorship program. Recognizing the importance of mentorship in nurturing startups, CODE has utilized Workhint to manage its extensive network of global mentors. This collaboration has not only simplified the mentorship process but has also empowered CODE to offer mentorship to thousands of ambitious startup founders.

Streamlining Mentorship Offerings:

One of the key challenges in managing a global network of mentors is the efficient onboarding, management, and payment of on-demand talents. Workhint has played a pivotal role in addressing these challenges for CODE, offering a seamless and user-friendly platform to manage their mentorship program. The software's capabilities extend beyond mere task management; it serves as a centralized hub for mentorship coordination, making it easier for both mentors and mentees to connect and collaborate.

Global Reach, Local Impact:

CODE's vision for the development of the Saudi digital economy extends beyond geographical boundaries. With Workhint's support, CODE has been able to extend its mentorship offerings globally, connecting startup founders with mentors from diverse backgrounds and expertise. This global reach has not only enriched the mentorship experience but has also contributed to the cross-pollination of ideas and strategies, fostering a truly dynamic ecosystem.

Enhancing the Startup Ecosystem:

The success of any digital economy relies heavily on the strength of its startup ecosystem. By leveraging Workhint, CODE has been able to enhance its mentorship program, providing startups with valuable guidance and support. Thousands of startup founders have benefited from the mentorship offered through CODE's network, resulting in accelerated growth, innovation, and sustainability.

Workhint's Role in the Success Story:

Workhint's role in the success of CODE's mentorship program cannot be overstated. The software's intuitive interface, robust features, and commitment to efficiency have enabled CODE to focus on what matters most – fostering the growth of startups in the Saudi digital economy. The partnership has not only streamlined processes but has also allowed CODE to scale its mentorship offerings, making a significant impact on the startup landscape.


As Saudi Arabia continues its journey towards a thriving digital economy, strategic partnerships like the one between CODE and Workhint play a crucial role in shaping the future. By leveraging technology to streamline mentorship programs, CODE has positioned itself as a key player in nurturing the next generation of startups. The success of this partnership serves as a testament to the transformative power of collaboration in driving innovation and growth in the digital age.

Workhint Blog

Workhint is Software to Hire, Manage, and Pay on-demand contract staff. It helps companies give their staff the flexibility they want, and give their business the peace of mind to find instant talent placement with one click


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