Transforming Workforce with Agility and Automation: Floward's Partnership with Workhint.

The success story of Floward and their partnership with Workhint is a testament to the power of agility and automation in today's modern workforce. As an e-commerce company that specializes in delivering fresh flowers and gifts online, Floward is no stranger to the challenges of seasonal fluctuations in their business. With the need to hire flexible, on-demand staff during peak periods, the company was faced with the daunting task of managing and onboarding hundreds of independent contractors for short-term tasks.

Enter Workhint, a revolutionary software platform that streamlines the process of managing on-demand contract staff. Workhint automated the onboarding process, from hiring to contract generation and signing, as well as attendance tracking and invoice processing. All of these tasks were consolidated into one simple software, saving Floward valuable time and resources.

But what about the bottom line? As it turns out, the potential cost savings achieved by using Workhint to manage just 100 independent contractors are substantial. Workhint estimates that hiring 100 independent contractors and managing them through their platform could save companies 1.3M Saudi Riyals per year. This is an impressive figure that underscores the value of agility and automation in today's fast-paced business landscape.

By adopting a flexible workforce model that leverages on-demand contract staff, companies like Floward can avoid the need to hire full-time employees and pay for benefits, healthcare, and other associated costs. Furthermore, the automation of administrative tasks through the use of Workhint eliminates the need to hire additional HR admin workers, freeing up valuable resources that can be reinvested elsewhere in the business.

In conclusion, the success story of Floward and Workhint demonstrates the power of innovation and automation in today's modern workforce. By embracing new technologies and flexible staffing models, companies can achieve greater agility and cost savings without sacrificing quality or productivity. So why not join the ranks of successful companies like Floward and see how Workhint can help take your business to the next level?

Workhint Blog

Workhint is Software to Hire, Manage, and Pay on-demand contract staff. It helps companies give their staff the flexibility they want, and give their business the peace of mind to find instant talent placement with one click

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