Can you operate your retail store with 80% flexible contract staff?

As a retail store owner, managing the workforce can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to hiring and managing staff. In recent years, the trend of hiring flexible contract staff has gained popularity, and many retail store owners are considering it as a viable option for managing their workforce.

Flexible contract staff refers to workers who are hired on a temporary or part-time basis, and their employment contract allows for flexibility in terms of hours and days worked. The question that arises is whether it is feasible to operate a retail store with 80% flexible contract staff. Let's delve into this issue and explore the pros and cons.

Advantages of Flexible Contract Staff

One of the primary advantages of flexible contract staff is cost savings. Retail stores can save money by hiring staff on a part-time or temporary basis rather than hiring full-time staff. This is because full-time staff require employee benefits such as health insurance, paid time off, and other perks, which can be costly for a retail store. In contrast, flexible contract staff are only paid for the hours they work, making them a cost-effective solution for a retail store.

Another advantage of flexible contract staff is flexibility. Retail stores can adjust their workforce to meet the demands of their business. During peak seasons, a store can hire more flexible contract staff, and when the demand drops, they can reduce the workforce without incurring significant costs.


In conclusion, it is possible to operate a retail store with 80% flexible contract staff. However, it is essential to weigh the pros and cons of such a staffing model carefully. Retail store owners must consider the cost savings, flexibility, and potential lack of loyalty and commitment while hiring flexible contract staff. By striking the right balance between full-time and flexible contract staff, retail store owners can create an efficient and productive workforce that meets the demands of their business.

Workhint Blog

Workhint is Software to Hire, Manage, and Pay on-demand contract staff. It helps companies give their staff the flexibility they want, and give their business the peace of mind to find instant talent placement with one click

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